
Rocky busted

We have two dogs, and sometimes when we leave they or one of them makes a mess. Usually knocking the trash over or dragging some food item around. We have always suspected it was Rocky the pitbull, and not Frank the border collie, that was the trouble maker. We had entertained the hilarious idea that it was Frank the whole time and Rocky keeps getting in trouble for Frank's actions. So I decided to make sure it was Rocky.
The other day I downloaded a sweet little program called YawCam. It is a free program that lets you basically turn a normal webcam into a surveillance camera, or at least that is what I used its for. I set up the motion detection part and had it save a jpeg to the hard disk and email a copy to me so I would recieve it on my phone. Then I set the garbage can in front of the camera and here are the results:
About 2 minutes before

The crime

After the crime

As you can see it was Rocky all along. All in all I would say YawCam is a great program and if you are interested you can download YawCam here: